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Summer sessions

Dates for the diary…

The SPACE team has just announced a series of new online sessions for summer 2023.

We have some very special guest speakers that we’re really excited about bringing to you this term as part of our line up of online Q&As. More details about of all of these upcoming sessions are included below.

What do SPACE support sessions involve?

Each session will be really relaxed – starting with an informal online cuppa, chat and brief introduction to the SPACE community, hosted by one of our team.

We’ll follow this up with a chance to listen to a Q&A session with a guest speaker who will share a bit about their own journey through infertility or loss - what helped, what didn’t, and how they made it through…

There’ll also be a chance to ask any questions that you might have to our guests and to take part in discussion with other SPACE members and our team - whether that’s on dealing with loss, grief and trauma, navigating infertility and various treatments, coming to terms with childlessness, experiences of fostering and adoption, or something else entirely.

Please feel free to come along to any of our sessions that feel may be relevant to you - and to take part at whatever level you feel able to. You’re welcome to say as much or as little as you feel comfortable with, to post questions in the chat box, and to have your camera on or off.

It’s your space!

SPACE sessions: summer term

Please note: Anyone who has experienced infertility or loss at any stage of pregnancy, whether recently or in the past, is welcome to attend these sessions.

  •  Thursday 4th May, 8pm: Q&A session with Jo Jackson - Trauma/grief specialist for Merseyside Police

    Jo will be sharing about her own journey of grief after loss, as well as dealing with secondary infertility & adoption process

  • Thursday 8th June, 8pm: Q&A session with Jen Oliver

    Jen will be sharing on her own recurrent miscarriage experiences and coping with grief after loss - you can also read more of Jen’s story here

  • Thursday 6th July, 8pm: Q&A session with Sally Holloway

    Sally will be sharing on her experiences of wrestling with long-term infertility, childlessness, & becoming an adoptive mum.


faith.SPACE group: summer term

Please note: These sessions are specifically designed for those who wish to explore issues around infertility or loss in the context of their spirituality/faith.

  • Monday 15th May, 8pm: With guest speaker Sarah Lang – from The Rhythm of Hope

    An honest conversation on her own experiences of infertility, disappointment and holding onto hope over 13 years of trying to conceive. You can learn more about Sarah’s story here.

  • Monday 19th June: With guest speaker, Ruth Waldron - adoptive mum

    An honest conversation on infertility, failed IVF treatment, childlessness, and adoption

  • Monday 17th July - Guest:  Dr Liz Fairley, GP and adoptive mum

An honest conversation on miscarriage, infertility, and adoption - you can read more of Liz’s story here


How to join a session…

If you’re already on our mailing list, you’ll be sent an email invitation to each session, along with the zoom joining link.

But please just email us at: if you’d like to be added, or to sign up for a specific session.